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Little Moments

Pediatric Massage

It is never too early for children to learn the benefits of safe, nurturing touch.  Pediatric massage offers many benefits while teaching young ones about boundaries,  body awareness, self-respect, communication and participation in their own wellness.  Session times will vary depending on the child and the situation.


Moments for Bonding

Touch Therapy and Infant Massage

Develop a deep and lasting bond with a child while learning techniques for addressing the discomforts and challenges that infants experience.  Touch therapy is an effective alternative to medication and is much more fun and rewarding.

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A Pregnant Pause

A Mother's Time of Reflection

Mothers have unique needs whether they are expecting, recovering from childbirth or grieving a loss.  This session is specifically tailored for your stage of motherhood.  It is not a standard massage delivered on pregnancy pillows.  It is bodywork designed specifically for a mother's concerns, based on your unique story and where you are in your journey.  Infants under 3 months are welcome in the room.

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